Member-only story
The Whole Future Lies in Uncertainty: Live Immediately.
The whole future lies in uncertainty: live immediately. – Seneca
All that is born must die. This is the fundamental experience of human beings. We all have to die. When we die is often unpredictable. It could be suddenly without our knowing that we have expired. It is harsh, but that is the reality. Don’t allow this reality to take away from your experience of life. The present moment exists because you are alive to experience it. So experience it. Don’t wait for a moment that may never come. I’d rather regret the things I have done than regret what I have not.
Take time in the here and now, and embrace a moment of connection with yourself. Recognize your body as an integral part of who you are; it’s not just a part of you; it is you. Take the opportunity daily to inhale slowly through your nose, letting the air travel down into your lungs. Trace the journey through your trachea, and take notice of your muscles expanding with each breath. Sense the firm presence of your feet on the ground. Whether barefoot or wearing shoes, feel the reality that your body occupies space in this world. You have every right to occupy this space but remember to be conscious of it. Be present in it.