Bug Makyx

Bug Makyx

December 2023 Favourite Reads

3 stories

Zelda Fitzgerald — A Talented Artist in the Shadow of Her Successful Husband
Bug Makyx

Bug Makyx

November 2023 favourite reads

6 stories

Mosaic portraying three young girls wearing what look like bikinis: one is holding small dumbbells, one is in the act of throwing a discus, the other is running. Two of the girls have blonde hair, the third has brown hair. The discus throwing girl is wearing golden bracelets, necklace and ankle bracelets
young woman running in heavy rain in a field of green filled with dandelions seemingly by herself
Bug Makyx

Bug Makyx

Favourite Reads Oct 2023

10 stories

Bug Makyx

Bug Makyx


Non-binary, writer, philosopher, stoic. Join me in the affirmation of life, peace, and the cosmopolitan dream of shared humanity.