Embracing Imperfection

Discover the transformative journey from self-criticism to acceptance, exploring the impact of ego, the pursuit of perfection, and the power of human connection.

Bug Makyx
3 min readFeb 3, 2024
Photo by Torsten Dederichs on Unsplash

Some days, it feels as if the world around me fades away, and I am left alone with my thoughts; it is during these moments that I’ve had a melancholic awakening about how my egotism and the impossibly high standards that I have set for myself have shaped how I see my place in the world.

My journey has been gripped by a cold pride bound together with deep, unexpected crevasses of self-doubt. My vanity constantly pushed me towards an ideal, a final accomplishment always out of reach. This pursuit of perfection often has me gazing into the mirror with furious discontent for the humans I see that borders genuine hatred.

Photo by Henrique Sá on Unsplash

This flaming hot emotion was not a grievance with my shortcomings. It was a lens through which I viewed the world around me, colouring my perception of how others saw me. In my mind, the hateful gaze I turned on myself was not my own; instead, it reflected the judgment I perceived to be cast upon me by…



Bug Makyx

Non-binary, writer, philosopher, stoic. Join me in the affirmation of life, peace, and the cosmopolitan dream of shared humanity.