Beyond the Books — Living the Philosophy

Explore how Simone Weil inspires us to live philosophy through empathy, justice, action, and to integrate beliefs with real-world decisions for a richer life.

Bug Makyx
4 min readFeb 11, 2024
Simone Weil (1909–1943) — a French philosopher, mystic and activist. By Unknown photographer — File:Simone Weil 04.jpg, Public Domain,

Philosophy books, often only the most popular authors, fly off the shelves in some bookstores. Marcus Aurelius, Plato, Marx, and Aristotle seem popular, at least at my local bookstore, while Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil, and Nietzsche sit unnoticed for long periods. This, of course, is a local phenomenon, but it shows a general interest in the great conversations of civilization. Yet, for many, philosophy remains only theoretical, a mere collection of Anecdotes and arguments. Philosophy books collect dust on shelves as part of more extensive personal collections, the spines stiff and the pages without marks. However, Simone Weil, a philosopher, mystic, and activist, offers a different approach: she insisted that philosophy should be learned and lived. Despite the expanse of time, this message remains potent, as if she were still alive.

Photo by freddie marriage on Unsplash

Simone Weil’s life was a testament to her beliefs. From childhood to her early death, she…



Bug Makyx

Non-binary, writer, philosopher, stoic. Join me in the affirmation of life, peace, and the cosmopolitan dream of shared humanity.